Learn to Multi-pitch Rock Climb

Learn to take on the bigger cliffs

Learn to Multi-pitch Climb - $395

Learn the techniques

Learn the fundamentals to get up and down the big cliffs.

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get air beneath your feet on the big routes!

Who and what multi pitch climbing is:

who is this course for


What do we cover on this course?


Multi Pitch rock climbing combines all the skills and techniques of the basics through to rope management and climbing strategies. It results in the true climbing experience of scaling large cliffs and perhaps topping out to a remote summit.


On this course we will consider all the skills you need to work as an effective team high off the ground, manage your strategy and gain the confidence to hang high off the ground and pitch your climbs to the top and get back down again safely.

Book now

For 2021 we are doing bespoke request dates only. If you have a course and a date you would like it to happen, contact us and we will try and accomodate